• My Nearest City

How to Claim Your Event

Step 1: Create Your Account.

With our NEW site, you’ll need to create a TOTALLY NEW account.

New username, new password!


Step 2: Find Your Listing & Click “Claim Ownership”

Navigate to your listing (click seasonal sales and don’t forget to check PAST events)

Click the CLAIM OWNERSHIP button on your listing page



Don’t Panic – Just Wait! 

Please Give us 1-2 Days (Hopefully Sooner!) to Process Your Claim

* Do you think we missed you? Email me and I’ll check for you!

Step 3: Login and Go to your Account

To access your account & all of your listings, just click your name in the top right of the site.


Step 4:  You can EDIT or UPGRADE your listing from here.

IMPORTANT: Edit & Upgrade are two SEPARATE functions

To Edit: Click the EDIT button on your listing – any changes are INSTANT!

To Upgrade: Navigate back to your ACCOUNT page and click the UPGRADE button on your listing.



Here’s a quick video tutorial that explains the process: