Have you ever found something after the sale that you meant to consign this time? It happens to everyone. Here are ten places you might have forgotten to check when you were gathering your items to tag for the upcoming sale:
1. Dress-Up Box: As fast as kids grow, there may be dress-up shoes, costumes or other items your child has outgrown. Since their interests can change, too, there may be things in the bottom of the box that have been ignored for a while. Dress-up items are great sellers, so always check the dress-up box.
2. Kitchen Cabinets: Children’s dishes and cups and placemats are often forgotten because consignors don’t think of checking the kitchen. If you’re selling sippy cups, invest in new valves to include with the cups. Did you make your own baby food? Keep in mind that those gadgets are great sellers, too.
3. Video/Game Cabinets: Check for DVDs and video games your kids have outgrown or didn’t really enjoy. Don’t forget to make sure the right disc is in the case and that it’s scratch-free and playable. Reasonably priced gaming systems can be hot sellers, too. Don’t forget the controllers and power adapters.
4. Craft Supplies: Have you bought items that you’d thought you’d use with the kids, but it never happened? Many Consignment Mommies are crafty and enjoy doing projects with their own kids. Bundle up supplies by theme and mark them to sell!
5. The Garage: As our kids grow, some things can magically work their way into the garage or utility room. Bikes, car seats, skateboards, helmets and safety pads, even forgotten baby gates can be found in these forgotten areas. Don’t forget about wagons, bike accessories and other recreational equipment that can end up there, too.
6. Hall Closet/Mudroom: Check for outgrown coats, rain boots, backpacks and other items that are great sellers. They have a tendency to collect in these areas in the off-season. You might be surprised at what you can find to consign.
7. Other Closets in the House: It never fails that I’ll open a random closet in our house and find something I meant to consign this season. It’s usually right after the sale’s over or after the inventory deadline has passed. Don’t forget the linen closet for kids’ towels, beach towels, or crib sheets. Always check all of the closets.
8. Bathroom: Infant’s towels, stools, potty chairs, bath seats and more can be consigned at many sales. Always check with your sale to see what they accept. Not every sale accepts these items. Remember to always check for recalls.
9. Backyard: Sandboxes, swing sets, slides, kids’ picnic tables and playhouses are high demand items at consignment sales. Is it too big to disassemble and take to the sale? Check with your sale to see if you can create a poster for it with photos, pricing and information. They may be able to sell it for you, then give your contact information to the buyer for you to arrange pick-up.
10. Toy/Game/Rec Room: It’s easy to remember the toys you can see, but don’t forget to check shelves, boxes and closets for books, games, puzzles and other items you can consign that may not be in plain sight.
About the Author
Elizabeth Renfroe has a passion for all things consignment sale-related. She enjoys coordinating the Children’s Market Sale at First United Methodist Church, Jacksonville, Alabama.