• My Nearest City

Zip Ties: Get Wrapped Up in these One-Cent Wonders

If you haven’t discovered the magic of plastic zip ties, it is TIME to jump on the bandwagon.  At just a penny each, these little plastic tools are an awesome way to secure your items, wrangle multi-part toys and much more!  I asked the savvy mamas on our Sale Organizer forum for their best advice on Zip Ties and here’s what they had to share:

  • Bundle Books – Attach several zip ties together and bundle your books.
  • Zip Tie Shoes Together:  I’m a big fan of losing the ziploc bag whenever possible and getting your product out for folks to see.  Shoes will sell much better if you ditch the bag and zip tie them together.  Make sure to attach the tag securely – add a strip of tape across the top of the tag then hole punch through to prevent tears.
  • Zip Tie Power Adapters: “You can roll up the power adapter cord for Power Wheels, then zip-tie the roll super tightly to the Power Wheel handle so it cannot be switched or lost. Chargers aren’t cheap, so this is a biggie!!!” – Faith Beeman from Growing Kids Sale.
  • Car Seat Systems: “Use them to secure car seats to stroller when sold as a set so the shopper doesn’t try to take the car seat and put on their stroller and say its theirs!!” – Vicki Burns of Coastal Kids Consignment Sale.
  • Attach Bags of Parts: “Use them to thread through ziplock bags to attach small parts to big toys.” – Kelly  Branderhorst from Twice Around the Block Kids Consignment.
  • Zip Tie Bags Closed: If you use old comforter bags for toys with a lot of piece, use zipties to the zipper to keep the bag from being opened – Christine Wilford from Rhode Island Kids Consignment
  • Secure Multiple Hangers Together: I recommend my consignors use the zip ties to wrap up multiple hangers of the same size, to group them together for their drop off appointments.  – Veronica Rubalcava from Wiggles & Giggles Consignment Sale
  • Extra Item Security: Loop a zip tie through the tag of your item and then around the hanger – this will prevent shoppers from removing your items on the hanger and will minimize theft.

Where to Find Zip Ties

You can find Zip Ties at your local Dollar Tree, online here, at Walmart, or your local hardware store.  You may find them labeled as Zip Ties or Cable Ties.

Special Thanks to these Sale Owners / Organizers for their Contributions:

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