Events Description

►►► Fri, April 28 (1 pm – 7 pm)
►►► Sat, April 29 (9 am – 1 pm) & 2 pm – 7 pm With MOST items 50% off!
►►► Sun, April 28 (9 am – 12 pm) With MOST items 75% off!
How to Consign
1. Register first at
2. Sign up for a Drop Off Day/Time in your Control Panel
3. Start gathering your items NOW for our 2023 Spring Event. We will be taking ALL SEASONS of clothing, shoes, and equipment but focus on the spring and summer clothing and gear for best sales. Any pregnancy, infant, child related items are accepted as long as in gently used or new condition. Questions? Just ask! Also check out many Consignor 101 videos on our Facebook page for a full tutorial.
4. Hang (any type of hanger is fine) and tag these items using our Online Tagging System accessed from your Control Panel.
5. Drop off these items at your designated drop off time and put your items out on the floor in their specific areas. We are there to help!
6. Watch your items sell online during the event! (Sales are uploaded every evening). You will make 65-75% of the sales prices, which you named! We announce when sales are up on our Facebook Consignor Group. The Consignor Group is a great place for tips, tricks and information about participating in our event.—join us!
7. Find a friend who wants to participate? You can earn $25 in shopping credit for every NEW consignor you recruit who drops of at least 100 items!
8. Receive remaining sales payment electronically within a week of the sale! Make sure the email you use here is an account you use regularly as this is an electronic check. A consignor participation fee of $12.50 is deducted from your total.
Consignor Earnings:
Consignors make up to 75% of the selling price by helping out before, during or after the sale!
Help out one four hour shift and you will earn 70% of your sales, help out two shifts* and you will earn 75% of your sales
And you are invited to shop at our Consignor Presale! If you are signed up to help you get to shop even earlier!