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Consignor Advice

If you think Amazon Prime Day is just about Instant Pots and Tablets, then put down your tagging guns for a hot second, consignors!  We hand-picked 10 items you need to bargain hunt for during this Black Friday-esque event. Ready to get organized, save time (and $$!), and streamline your consigning strategy…without even getting out… More Info

Have you heard a mom or two talkin’ smack about consigning?  “I did all that work and hardly sold anything!” or “It was too complicated!”  I’ll bet my black lularoe leggings that they made one of the 5 mistakes listed below!   Mistake #1:  Pricing Too High The original price on that Cat & Jack… More Info

If there is one acceptable thing to “hoard”… it has to be hangers.   Here’s the drill: You’re all signed up to consign in your favorite consignment sale and you can’t wait to clear out your closets and cash in on those overgrown clothes.  But wait–where in tarnation are you gonna find 200+ hangers??!! Important: Always… More Info

by Guest Blogger, Kristen Shambarger Have you been hit by the sudden urge to purge everything in your home?  Before you unleash your KonMari decluttering ninja skills, here’s how to do it Consignment Mommies style! Decluttering = good for the soul. Organizing = stress reliever. Throwing everything in a huge black garbage bag and tossing… More Info

Friends. Mamas. Y’all. My fabulous friend Author-Organizer Jennifer Ford Berry with Mothertime Marketplace: WNY’s Largest Family Consignment Sale is speaking some MAJOR truth today about decluttering. Bonus for us #ConsignmentMommies – we have the PERFECT place to SELL. ALL. THE. THINGS. If you need a pep talk and some guidance on decluttering and cashing in,… More Info

Deep breaths friends.  DEEEEEEPPP. BREATTTTHHHHS.  The big guy is going to be here in just 10 days.  That means toys, games, puzzles, clothes and books are going to DESCEND on our homes from all of those relatives and from that Jolly ol’ guy with the big bag of tricks. If you are desperate to clear a… More Info

#1 – Tag the Big Stuff First Many mamas get started with clothes, but we suggest going for your baby gear, outdoor equipment and big toys first.  These high-demand items are the FIRST to go at a kids consignment event.  Plus, most gear & equipment categories can be resold for 30-40% of their retail value,… More Info

It’s the #1 question that my friends ask me when pricing their items: Should I go higher and discount or do I go a little lower and choose “no discount?”  I asked some of the my very fabulous sale owner friends to weigh in and here are their answers:   Consider Demand! It depends on… More Info

Here’s our list of 5 brands that hold their resale value over time: American Girl:  This company has captured the attention of little girls everywhere with their dolls, accessories, books and other products.  The dolls are expensive yet durable.  Because they can be considered collectibles, some dolls will increase in value over time.  What doesn’t… More Info

Pricing is the #1 reason why you are picking up a lot (or a little!) at the end of the consignment sale.  In this video, I share how I put pricing at the CENTER of my tagging process.  It’s a REALLY simple strategy that has meant almost 95% clothing sell through for me each season!… More Info

Common resale abbreviations for use at kids consignment sale, on Facebook Buy, Sell, Trade Groups and much more. Ever wondered what NWT, NIP, EUC, TCP, etc mean? We’ve put together a quick and helpful guide to help you navigate those resale acronyms.

Finding the sweet spot between pricing your items to sell and selling them to be profitable can be tricky.  But here’s the deal: pricing is EVERYTHING in consignment sale world and you’ll want to be on your A-game!  Great pricing is often the difference between a 90% sell-through or in picking up a huge stack… More Info

Every season, our sale ends up with at least one lost tag that is missing it’s mate.  It usually has “outfit” or “pants” as a one-word description.  Here are four things every tag should have on it. #1 – Brand name For most toys and baby gear and all clothing and shoes, write the brand… More Info

How many times have you prepped and tagged your items only to have some of them returned to you?  Here are five reasons sales say, “No thanks,” to clothes. Stray threads, pulled seams and loose hems:   In the pie chart of fabric problems, this group is the easiest and cheapest to fix.  These are… More Info

As frugal mamas, we all want to minimize our tagging costs and maximize our profits, right???  Last week, I spent the morning comparing cardstock prices around town (Greensboro, NC). Tip #1 Know Your Paper Weights Standard Cardstock65lb weight – slightly thinner, but sturdy enough for tags Premium Cardstock – 110lb weight – thicker and a… More Info

You’ve heard about consignment sales.  You know you need to get rid of the clothes, toys and baby stuff your kids have outgrown.  You’re ready to dip your toe in the consignment sale pool and have registered to consign. So, what’s next?  Let us walk you through the simple steps for how to consign your… More Info

In the past, I’ve mentioned five things I’m glad I didn’t consign over the years. Here’s a list of things I’m glad I consigned and why. Baby Equipment: This season, I conquered the storage area under our stairs. I was so glad that I didn’t find baby equipment. I had gotten rid of it at… More Info

My best consignor tip: READ your consignor instructions.  This is especially important if you are consigning for the first time or trying to sell at a new sale.  The biggest section to note:  ACCEPTED ITEMS.  These standards can vary between sales and you certainly don’t want to waste time tagging & prepping an item that… More Info

Preparing your children’s items for the kids’ consignment sale doesn’t need to be overwhelming. With a little planning & organization, you can turn your casual consigning into some serious cash for your family! I always suggest that moms start here.  Here are a few time-saving tagging tips to make your consignment sale prep easier and… More Info

What Pins Are Best? The best safety pins come from dry cleaning supply companies. They’re sold in bulk, 10 gross to a box (1440 pins). If you don’t need that many, split an order with other Consignment Mommies. The company I use personally occasionally has Buy2, Get 1 Free sales on their safety pins. As… More Info

Sports equipment can be some of the hottest sellers at a consignment sale, especially if they look great, even with a little wear and tear. Here are some tips to clean up at a sale with cleaned up sports gear. 1. Clean as you go Use antibacterial spray on gear, then hang it up to… More Info

Have you ever found something after the sale that you meant to consign this time? It happens to everyone. Here are ten places you might have forgotten to check when you were gathering your items to tag for the upcoming sale: 1. Dress-Up Box: As fast as kids grow, there may be dress-up shoes, costumes… More Info

Time Crunched? 10 Things to Save for Fall

When spring hits, we have a tendency to want to clean out as much as we can. Many of us get down to crunch time and have to decide what to tag for this season and what to save for fall. Of course, if you can tag it all and be ready, GO FOR IT! … More Info

Catawampus: [kat-uh-wom-puhs] Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S. adjective, sometimes spelled cattywampus 1. askew; awry. 2. positioned diagonally; cater-cornered. consignment adjective 1. the perfect word to describe a clothes hanger with one end sticking up above other hangers while a pair of pants, jeans or shorts are dangling from the other. Catawampus is a fun word… More Info

Have you looked at your pile of unsold items at the end of a sale and asked yourself what you could have done differently? Here are some quick tips to increase your check and decrease your pick-up pile. 1.  Take discounts out of the equation temporarily. Price items to sell before you even think about… More Info

Sale owners have seen it all and they know what sells well and what needs to be priced low. Here are the top five answers from a recent survey about overpriced items and suggestions on how to price those items to sell. 1. Baby Clothes Sizes newborn through 24 months are almost always in abundance… More Info

GUEST POST: 5 Secret Tips to Selling Your BEST!

Guest Post by Sharon Schneider, Founder of MoxieJean.com Careful and thoughtful quality control is a HUGE part of the consignment process. At Moxie Jean, we have a team that reviews our clothing – inspecting for stains, rips, tears and even the smallest blemishes. We’re happy to share the top tips our Moxie Mamas swear by,… More Info

I’ve been shopping consignment sales for my kid’s clothing since, well, since I had kids. I believe my oldest son was only a few months old when headed off to my first sale, shopped as a ‘first time mom’, and immediately fell in love with the thrill of finding amazing clothes at great prices. Let’s… More Info

By Age 4/5: Giving away toys forever can be a hard concept at this age. Approach your conversation with your child with an attitude of giving something away to help another little boy or girl. You need to have this conversation at least two weeks before the sale. Once they have chosen a few non-favorite… More Info

Did you ever get the toy box straightened out and find yourself with a nice stack of consignable toys that have been ignored by the kids for a few months or longer? It’s a great feeling to know you’ll make a nice paycheck on those toys. There are so many of them that the kids… More Info

You’ve cleaned, you’ve sorted and you’ve tagged.  (And… you did all of this WEEKS in advance of sale time, right?!?! I kid, I kid.)  Now, it’s time for DROP OFF!! This week, our fabulous Chief Consignment Blogger Elizabeth Renfroe shares her best tips for how to speed up drop-off.  With a little preparation and organization,… More Info

1. Take advantage of www.wemakeitsafer.org. It’s a great way to check for recalls. This website is easy to use and always current. They even have a smart phone app! 2. Use good descriptions on your tags. Always include brand, color and something like the pattern or a graphic. If there’s more than one piece, make… More Info

The following is an excerpt from the safety specialists at WeMakeItSafer.com in a blog post titled, Tips for Selling Your Baby & Toddler Gear. ConsignmentMommies.com is pleased to partner with WeMakeItSafer to increase awareness about Children’s Resale Safety. As your children outgrow their gear, selling it at a consignment sale or in an online marketplace… More Info

Do you like the mix and match options with pieces from Children’s Place© or Gymboree©? Do you remember shopping at different stores to find shorts that were the right blue to match that plaid shirt? Do you have the cutest leggings to go with a Christmas dress? You can use any of these ideas to… More Info

This week, our chief Consignment Blogger Elizabeth shares her 4-week plan for bigger, better consignment cash outs!  And yes, it involves NOT WAITING until the last minute to gather, tag and price your goodies. First, here are a few important tips to your 4-week success:  Tip 1: Hangers Ask your dry cleaners if they have… More Info

Have you found an adorable outfit, only to get it home and find a hole or two where the tag was attached with a safety pin or a tagging gun?  In many cases, those holes will close up with just a normal wash cycle and a few minutes in the dryer.  Occasionally, some patience and… More Info

If you haven’t discovered the magic of plastic zip ties, it is TIME to jump on the bandwagon.  At just a penny each, these little plastic tools are an awesome way to secure your items, wrangle multi-part toys and much more!  I asked the savvy mamas on our Sale Organizer forum for their best advice… More Info

Guest Post: How to Use a Tagging Gun from Little Red Hen Consignment Tagging Service

Intrigued by the idea of utilizing a tagging gun for your consignment sale prep but unsure where to start? Why Use a Tagging Gun? • It’s faster than pinning tags onto items • Tags connected to items with barbs tend to stay put. The use of tagging guns is standard in the retail clothing industry…. More Info

In the spirit of smart shopping and thrifty consigning, we’ve compiled a list of consignment sale supplies that can be purchased at the Dollar Tree.  Below you’ll find our favorite tagging & packaging supplies that can be purchased for a bargain $1 price tag! Stock Up on These Supplies Zip Ties If you haven’t already… More Info

Guest Post by Rachael J. Mercer, from SavingCentsably.com Our family is big into consignment sales. We shop at them and we buy from them. With four kids ages 11, 9, 6 and 4, you can believe that we grow out of clothing almost as fast as I can purchase it. Consignment sales make selling the… More Info