• My Nearest City

Don’t Procrastinate… 4 Consignment To-Do’s You’ll Regret Putting Off

Consignment season is upon us!  Retail is in back to school mode and it is time!!  While consignment season may be weeks (or even months) away for you, there are a few “to-do’s” that you will regret putting off.

#1 – Sign up to Consign Early

Consignment sales are EXPLODING all over the country.  Most sales do limit the # of consignor positions due to space or various reasons.  Sales with high percentages, great incentives and easy volunteer shifts are going to FILL UP FAST!  Sign up early so you don’t get locked out!

#2 – Sign up Early to Volunteer

Volunteers get early shopping rights and in most cases, an increased consignor percentage.  If you have a busy schedule or just want top picks on type and time of shifts, sign up early!

#3 – Gather Supplies (esp hangers & safety pins) NOW

There is nothing more frustrating than running out of hangers or safety pins the night before drop off.  Think a late-night trip to Walmart will save you?  Chances are, you’ll find those supplies wiped out by other procrastinating consignors!  Start gathering those supplies early to minimize the panic!

#4 – Gather Clothes & Toys Little by Little

The best way to make the process less overwhelming?  Add a bin to the bottom of your child’s closet or under their bed.  When you find clothes are too small, simply toss them in the bin and you’ll be on your way!  You ca also use hot summer afternoons or surprise thunderstorms as a way to get the kids involved.  Have them help gather puzzles, game pieces or toy parts together.

Do you have any tips or ideas about “waiting too long?” 


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