Do you use Pinterest to help you decide what to do with that pack of chicken breasts? To find the perfect non-candy Valentine’s Day class treat? To help plan your dream laundry room? To make you a better consignor? Wait a minute. How can Pinterest make me a better consignor? It’s simple: Organize, clean, upcycle, present, shop.
Pinterest can be a wonderful tool to help you get organized and creative this consignment season. From laundry tips to upcycling cribs, daddy’s dress shirts and blue jeans, there is a plethora of information available with the click of a button. Here are some ways to use Pinterest this season:
Search “consignment prep” on Pinterest and you’ll find tips from some of our favorite blogs on how to get your things ready for a sale, from tips for first timers to suggestions on how to set up your workspace and make it easier to tag everything efficiently. Bookmark those ideas to come up with your own game plan.
If you’re ever struggled with a grease spot, a formula stain or ground-in dirt, you can find a solution or 20 on how to fix them. In addition, there are infographs, step by step instructions with photos and even Pinterest “fails” of what doesn’t work for everyone and rave reviews of the formulas that are golden in the eyes of many mamas.
From figuring out how to creatively and affordably patch a hole on a pair of Toms, converting a ripped shirt into an adorable dress for your daughter, or upgrading that unsellable crib into a sellable bench and bookshelf combo, you can find a variety of ways to improve the condition of something and increase its value. Have your outdoor toys seen better days because of sun fading? Check out the tips on spraying painting plastic furniture to create a new look. Play kitchens and puppet theaters from old entertainment centers are still hot trends. Pinterests is all about making something old into something new! With a little elbow grease, time and creativity, you can boost your consignor check with upcycling.
In a row full of blue jeans, how do you make yours stand out among the crowd? (Hang properly, tie a ribbon around the hanger, run a cute ribbon belt through the loops). How can you make sure your consigned items look their neatest and stay that way? (Check out ironing tips or consignment prep) How can you package those baby blankets to grab the eye of someone looking for a perfect gift for a new mom? (Search baby packaging or baby items. You’ll be surprised at the creative ideas out there.) You’ll find these presentation tips and many more on Pinterest.
The consignment pros have turned to Pinterest to share their ideas on how to get ready to shop a sale. There are tons of blogs, articles and blurbs in cyberspace with suggestions on how to get organized. Use Pinterest to filter those ideas and come up with your own game plan for shopping. You’ll be surprised at how helpful it can be!
Pinterest is one of a Consignment Mommies’ best tools for the spring, whether you’re prepping for a sale or shopping for the first (or 50th) time. Take a few minutes to search around and see what you can discover.
About the Author
Elizabeth Renfroe has a passion for all things consignment sale-related. She enjoys coordinating the Children’s Market Sale at First United Methodist Church, Jacksonville, Alabama.