• My Nearest City

How to Predict Your Child’s Clothing Sizes for ‘Next Season’

Until we can figure out how to STOP THESE KIDS FROM GROWING, we’ll have to do our best to predict our children’s height & weight changes from season to season. I can remember Jack’s first toddler winter. The poor guy had capris & belly shirts by the end of the 7-month “cold weather” season.  Major mommy fail!  …. Mostly because I had to go and pay {gasp!} RETAIL.

If you need some help predicting your child’s height and weight changes from season to season, here are two processes to help.

The Accurate Way – Using CDC Growth Charts to Predict Children’s Growth

Step 1: Get Your Child’s CURRENT Height & Weight

Step 2: Download the CDC Growth Charts Below

Step 3:
Plot Their Current Height & Weight on the Chart (red line)


Step 4: Follow their CURRENT CURVE and move over 6-9 months (depending on the “last wear time” of the season you wearing) (green and blue lines)

Step 5: Take the New Estimates and Check The Sizing Charts Below


The Easy Way – Using Parenting.com’s Generic Growth Predictions

Step 1: Get Your Child’s CURRENT Height & Weight

Step 2:  Add ONE HALF (six months) of the numbers below

  • Birth to 12 months  – Add 10 inches in length and triple their birth weight (in one year);
  • 12 to 24 months – Add 5 inches and 6 pounds each year;
  • 2 to 10 years – Add 2 1/2 inches and 6 pounds each year;
  • Puberty – Girls: 9 inches and gain 15 to 55 pounds each year;
  • Puberty – Boys: 11 inches and gain up to 65 pounds each year.
(note: recommendations above are from Parenting.com)

Step 3: Take the New Estimates and Check the Sizing Charts Below

Now, if anyone can figure out how to predict shoe growth… clue me in!!!!

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