Until we can figure out how to STOP THESE KIDS FROM GROWING, we’ll have to do our best to predict our children’s height & weight changes from season to season. I can remember Jack’s first toddler winter. The poor guy had capris & belly shirts by the end of the 7-month “cold weather” season. Major mommy fail! …. Mostly because I had to go and pay {gasp!} RETAIL.
If you need some help predicting your child’s height and weight changes from season to season, here are two processes to help.
The Accurate Way – Using CDC Growth Charts to Predict Children’s Growth
Step 1: Get Your Child’s CURRENT Height & Weight
Step 2: Download the CDC Growth Charts Below
Growth Chart – Boys Ages 0-2 (Download)
Growth Chart – Boys Ages 2 and up (Download)
Growth Chart – Girls Ages 0-2 (Download)
Growth Chart – Girls Ages 2 and up (Download)
Step 3: Plot Their Current Height & Weight on the Chart (red line)
Step 4: Follow their CURRENT CURVE and move over 6-9 months (depending on the “last wear time” of the season you wearing) (green and blue lines)
Step 5: Take the New Estimates and Check The Sizing Charts Below
Boys – Shopping List & Size Chart (Download)
Infant/Toddler – Shopping List & Size Chart (Download)
Girls – Shopping List & Size Chart (Download)
The Easy Way – Using Parenting.com’s Generic Growth Predictions
Step 1: Get Your Child’s CURRENT Height & Weight
Step 2: Add ONE HALF (six months) of the numbers below
- Birth to 12 months – Add 10 inches in length and triple their birth weight (in one year);
- 12 to 24 months – Add 5 inches and 6 pounds each year;
- 2 to 10 years – Add 2 1/2 inches and 6 pounds each year;
- Puberty – Girls: 9 inches and gain 15 to 55 pounds each year;
- Puberty – Boys: 11 inches and gain up to 65 pounds each year.
(note: recommendations above are from Parenting.com)
Step 3: Take the New Estimates and Check the Sizing Charts Below
Boys – Shopping List & Size Chart (Download)
Infant/Toddler – Shopping List & Size Chart (Download)
Girls – Shopping List & Size Chart (Download)
Now, if anyone can figure out how to predict shoe growth… clue me in!!!!