• My Nearest City

New Year’s Resolution: Lose Weight (the ConsignmentMommies Way)

No need for gym memberships or workout videos this year… we’ve developed a consignment workout just for you ConsignmentMommies!

Workout #1 – Stair-Climb-Consignment-Style

600 calories, $300 revenue
At 3 calories per flight of stairs, you can definitely work up a sweat moving clothing from second-floor bedrooms to your first-floor tagging station.  So, grab a clothing item, run down stairs, hang it in the dining room “consignment sale station” and repeat. Repeat. Repeat.  If you have 100 clothing items, you can burn 600 calories.  And if you sell each item for $5 at a 60% split, you can make $300.  Summer vacation cash, summer vacation… booty!

Workout #2 – Stalk-the-Neighbors-Run

300 calories, Revenue varies
Post-holiday purging can often mean toys just get dumped in the trash.  Large items like Cozy Coupes, picnic tables, Little Tykes outdoor equipment, old bikes, strollers, etc are the big money makers.  Do a little “jog” through the neighborhood on the evening before trash day.  Some of those big ticket items just need a little TLC.   No one will be curious at all about that lady pushing the empty Cozy Coupe through the neighborhood in her sweats.  Totally normal.

Workout #3 – Wrestle-for-Toys

186 calories, Revenue varies
Ever tried to wrangle a toy out of a head-strong 5-year-old’s arms?  Wrestling your kids for 30 minutes can burn a good number of calories (and get some giggles too!)  So have at it!  Wonder who will win?

Workout #4 – Attic Storage

286 calories
Once you have tagged all those goodies for the sale, you’ll need some good storage.  So, carry those 10 plastic bins from the first floor to the second and then up into the attic.  One-by-one of course.

Workout #5 – Spray-Paint-Arm-Jiggle-Buster-Cozy-Coupe

186 calories, $30 revenue 
Take 30 minutes to scrub down that Cozy Coupe and give it a little paint job with a can of Fusion paint.  Wave goodbye to that coupe & to your arm flab.

Workout #6 – Get to the Pre-Sale Early

47 calories
Arrive just 30 minutes early and you’ll burn some calories just standing there.  Do stretching or yoga and you’ll up those calories burned to 146 / 30 minutes.  Hey… its important to be limber to reach those cute dresses on the top rack!

Workout #7 – Volunteer on the Sales Floor at the Sale

1,336 calories, PLUS an extra % of your sales!
Volunteer to work the sales floor or on check-in and you’ll be moving & shaking mama!  4 hours of volunteering will mean about 334 calories an hour if you are moving boxes, stocking shelves and carrying around arms full of clothing! Standing around talking only burns 44 calories in 30 minutes.  So, skip the idle gossip and work mama!

Workout #8 – Drop Off Your Goods

286 calories
Skip the “valet service” if your sale offers it and carry those plastic bins one-by-one into the sale for drop-off.  10 boxes, 30 minutes.  Sculpted arms and lots of calories burned!  And those moms with the rolling carts through THEY were the smart ones!

Please note: you should always consult a physician before starting any workout regimen.  If you want insight on the money-making potential of the workouts above, just ask your accountant or any seasoned consignment mommy!  It’s WORTH IT!!!   Consignment isn’t for wimps… but with a little effort, you CAN score big! 

If the workouts above freak you out… check out a sale with a tagging service (they price & tag for you!).  Then, you’ll help those mamas get skinny this season and make YOU some money in the process.

Happy 2012! 

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