Want to know what’s up and coming in consignment world? Here are a few trends we are noticing in our growing industry!
1. Mama Likes
Designer jeans, pricey handbags and gorgeous evening gowns at 30-50% of their retail price? Mama likes… for sure! Adult, teen & tween consignment sales for ladies (and men, too) are popping up across the nation. The team at Green Jeans Women’s Consignment in Charlotte, NC has gained a huge following with their upscale women’s events. “Dana and I hosted our first sale 3 years ago. We’ve gone from 65 consignors to 250! Our sellers enjoy the entire process – it’s like a “girl’s weekend” twice a year and they get paid to participate! Green Jeans’ shoppers love our sales because we only accept high quality, on-trend fashion and our sales floor is very organized and easy to shop. Everyone wins! We absolutely LOVE it!” – Cindy Williams, Co-owner & Big Sister, Green Jeans Consignment for Women & Teens.
2. Home Goods
Sales with premiere venues are expanding their sale space and are including in-demand items like furniture and accessories.
3. Niche Sales
Homeschooler? Crafty mama? Pageant mom? Niche sales are popping up all over the country as the demand for seasonal sales extends beyond children’s clothing & toys. “Southern Belles Closet noticed a need for recycled formal gowns here in the South. So, we decided to take a spin off of the children’s consignment sales and try our own version of a formal gown consignment event. We cater to Pageant Moms, Prom Seekers, and Budget Brides.” Joy Sabo, Owner of Southern Belles Closet in Tennessee.
4. Year Round Sale Season
When we started ConsignmentMommies.com in 2009, most sales were saturated in a 4-6 week window each spring & fall. Today, sales happen in a much wider 12-16 week window each season – with many sales transitioning to a 3-per-year sale model.
5. More Tagging Services
In 2010, we talked about How to Start Your Own Tagging Service {link}. Since then, we’ve seen an explosion of concierge services within sales themselves or as independent tagging-only businesses. The result is the full-service benefit of consignment stores but with a much higher sell-through rate.
6. Upscale Sales Emerging in New Markets
For you frugal brand snobs out there, we are thrilled to see the trend of upscale, boutique and “high end” consignment sales growing.
7. More Exposure & More Shoppers
Five years ago, the words “consignment sale” were rarely discussed in the media & mama blogs. Today, it’s a staple and thrifty moms are shouting it from the rooftops. . In the last few years, ConsignmentMommies.com was featured in Parenting Magazine, many sales have received local and national television attention, and mommy bloggers all around the blogosphere began sharing their successes and strategies for scoring amazing deals. This national exposure is helping kids consignment sales become household brands.
8. Retail Sales Meet Consignment
We are seeing more consignment sales jumping into the world of overstocks & warehouse “sales.” What does that mean for you? More new with tags, crave worthy brands and incredible bargains.
9. Power Resellers Are Rocking
I’ve been to several sales lately and have scored some INCREDIBLE overstocks and deep clearance items that were NWT (new with tags) at a consignment sale. These mamas are making a pretty penny too!
10. Less Overcycling
As sales grow in # of consignors & shoppers, space is a premium. We are seeing more and more sales implementing maximums on certain categories (including clothing, infant and maternity). That means what is making it to the floor is the best of the best. Are prices suffering? Most moms we talked with say prices are steady.
What other trends are you seeing in consignment sale world?
I like how you talked about how upscale sales are emerging in the consignment market. I like to save money but I also love to look couture. I appreciate the information on trends in the consignment industry.