If you think Amazon Prime Day is just about Instant Pots and Tablets, then put down your tagging guns for a hot second, consignors! We hand-picked 10 items you need to bargain hunt for during this Black Friday-esque event. Ready to get organized, save time (and $$!), and streamline your consigning strategy…without even getting out of your pajamas? Read on!
- A Paper Cutter Guillotine – In case you’re too young to remember the good ol’ days of paper scrapbooking, this consignor hack (literally) will make short work of cutting your tags. We promise you’ll pull this handy tool out for every future Pinterest project and wonder how you ever survived without it.
- Garment Rack – Invest in one of these and you’ll be able to reserve closet space for more important things, like the maniacal clean-up 10 minutes before your in-laws arrive. Seriously, it’s WAAAY easier to organize your clothes by size and keep them neat while you enter and tag.
- Foldable Wagon or Rolling Laundry Basket – Every sale you look around at your fellow shopping mamas and think, “Now that’s a smart way to shop!” It makes drop-off and pick-up a snap too!
- Hanger Organizer – We’d bet money you’ve sprouted a few gray hairs trying to pull apart a mess of 75 tangled hangers. Who knew there was a simple solution to this disaster? You’re welcome.
- Batteries – What happens to toys you want to consign but you ran out of batteries? They never leave your house. Boo. Stock up now so you can sneak as many music blaring, lights flashing, non-stop talking toys out of your house when you have that tiny window of opportunity!
- A New Printer or Printer Ink – Last time you printed tags you swore you’d replace the printer you’ve had since college….but then life happened and it fell off the to-do list. Now is the perfect chance to upgrade your hardware, or at least stock up on ink. Because a new printer is not a fun present to unwrap from Santa.
- A Caboodle for supplies – Wait, they still make these? You bet! Instead of Bonne Bell Lipsmackers and Wet n Wild eyeliner, you’re gonna put this colorful organizer to work storing pins or barbs, sewing supplies, tape, scissors, markers, bags, string, and zip ties.
- The Basics – While you’re dreaming of all the supplies that will be beautifully organized in your new caboodle, poke around to see if there are Prime Day sales on the basics: tape, cardstock, pins, hangers, etc.
- Storage Tubs -Believe it or not, there will come a day when diaper boxes stop arriving on your doorstep. Look for deals on packs of tubs to keep your items dry and clean for the next consignment sale.
- O.P.P. – “Other People’s Prime” Deals! More and more retailers are creating their own version of a summer deal day that coincides closely with Amazon’s promotion. Like you needed an excuse to check what’s on sale at Target.
Or… maybe you just need cute earrings!?!? I couldn’t resist, aren’t these so darling???
What would you add to our list, bargain hunters?
Kristen Shambarger caught the Consignment Sale fever back in 2012 when she was expecting her twins. She has been consigning, volunteering, and shopping consignment sales ever since, and currently oversees her local moms of multiples sale in Marietta, Georgia. Kristen now loves to use her knack for writing to help moms all over the world fall in love with the awesomeness of consignment sales
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