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    426 Case Boulevard, Flemington, NJ, USA


    ONLINE Sale - March 29th-April 1st @www.NJKidzonline.com

    IN PERSON  SALE @NexLevel Arena in Flemington NJ

    WED, April 9 (pre sale pass required)
    THU, April 10 - 9a-8p
    FRI, April 11 - 9a-7a
    SAT, April 12 - 9a-2p (50% off most items)

    We’re hosting an IN PERSON Mega event this summer! Put these dates on your calendar – Kidzsignments ALL Seasons ONLINE Children’s Consignment Sale – March 29-April 1 @www.NJKidzonline.com AND In Person Spring/Summer sale April 9-12 (at NexLevel Arena in Flemington)! Sell, shop and save! Come see what the BUZZ is about! Over 250 consignors and…More Info

    Don't see your favorite sale? Click on PAST events at the top of the page. Many sales are still in location scouting mode and haven't released their 2021 spring dates.