What’s the best thing about your sale? “It’s definitely the people!” That’s what Stacey Black, owner of Rhea Lana’s of Frisco/McKinney, had to share with us when we caught up with her regarding her honor as one of your National Top 10 Best Consignment Sales!
You can check them out starting Sunday 9/23/2018 at the Allen Event Center in TX and find out what makes this sale so great!
What is something interesting about how you got started?
My husband and I are both native Texans; our Texas roots run deep! But in 2007 my husband’s job moved us Northwest Arkansas. We lived in NWA only 20 months when Texas pulled us back home! That very short time in Arkansas was long enough to learn about Rhea Lana’s and figure out that I wanted to take Rhea Lana’s back to Texas. At that time, I was ready to go back to work as my baby was about to start school, but I wanted flexible work so I could still be present and available with my kids. So, I started the first Rhea Lana’s franchise in my great home state. My very first event was the same week that my baby (now a freshman in HS) started Kindergarten!
Care to share some tips?
Allow items to go half-price and to be donated at the end of the sale if not sold.
- Organize clothing by gender and size and use our amazing Voice Entry System through our Rhea Lana’s App… these tips help consignors maximize their paycheck and minimize their time.
- I also encourage our consignors to consign their very BEST and to prepare their items with the perspective of a shopper; the better it looks the better it sells!
- Volunteer in some capacity so you can shop even earlier!
- One of our favorite shopping tips is to trace your children’s feet on a piece of cardstock; this makes shopping for shoes much easier!
- I also encourage shoppers to wear comfy shoes, shop with a friend, and make a list of their child’s needs including their sizes.
What is the BEST thing about your sale?
There are a lot of pretty amazing things about Rhea Lana’s of Frisco/McKinney, but I think the BEST thing is our volunteer team. It’s definitely the people! They have big hearts and are willing and able to go the extra mile to rally behind our event and make it successful. At the beginning of each event, I tell our volunteer team that at the end of the day that the most important thing we can do is to love on each and every momma that walks through our doors. Yes, logistics and operations are super important to us, and we work hard to continually fine tune and perfect them so that everyone has a great experience, but we are all truly moms helping moms (yes, we have some dads too!) and that is always our main focus.
I’m so blessed and honored that Rhea Lana’s of Frisco/McKinney was selected in Consignment Mommies National Top 10. My husband and I, along with our amazing volunteer team, have worked very hard over the last 9 years to serve with love and integrity families everywhere with inviting, excellent and valuable children’s consignment events; that is our Rhea Lana’s Mission Statement, and it has truly been our goal and purpose throughout this journey. – Stacey