Do you like the mix and match options with pieces from Children’s Place© or Gymboree©? Do you remember shopping at different stores to find shorts that were the right blue to match that plaid shirt? Do you have the cutest leggings to go with a Christmas dress? You can use any of these ideas to make your items stand out from the rest at your favorite consignment sale. Here are a few tips that can help.
Put together a complete look.
Outfits sell very well, especially in infant and toddler sizes. Sets that were bought together should always be consigned the same way. If the diaper cover came with the dress, attach it to the hanger when you consign the dress. Did you match up a shirt, pants and sweater for your child to wear for pictures? You should sell them together. Another parent will appreciate your efforts and be happy to purchase a full outfit at a reasonable price.
Use logic when assembling a complete outfit to sell. Make sure the sizes and styles match or coordinate. Do not put an 18 month shirt with 3T pants just because they’re the same brand or style. Likewise, you wouldn’t put your child in Halloween tights and a Christmas dress, even if they were the same size. If you wouldn’t dress your child in an outfit, you shouldn’t consign the pieces as an outfit.
Mix and Match Sets
Create a mix and match combination of several pieces in the same size to attract shoppers. If you have a plaid shirt, a floral sweater and a polka dot top, you can add coordinating solid pairs of leggings and a skirt to create a mix and match set. By including those two solid pieces, you will create an attractive package that could sell at a higher price than those same pieces would bring individually and sell some basics that may be overlooked otherwise.
Grouping a set (AKA lot) of like items is a great idea. Some items that are idea to group together are onesies, infant gowns, and pajamas. Putting together a set of 3 shirts or 4 pants in the same size is another great option for toddlers and preschoolers. Many sales have a minimum price per tag, usually $1.00 – $3.00. Moms do not want to pay $3.00 for a basic t-shirt, but if you put together a group of 3 to 5 t-shirts for $4.00, you’ve created a great value. That value has three results: You’ll clean out much needed space in your child’s drawers, you’ll bring home more money, and someone else will leave your sale very happy with their purchase.
Follow Through Rules
Follow your sale’s guidelines for preparing your items. You should always make sure each piece on the hanger can be seen easily when hanging. Everything should be securely and neatly attached to the hanger. Put any loose pieces in a zip top bag, tape it closed and attach the bag to the hanger. If you have time, write your consignor number on the bag. It will make it easier to keep those items with what is on the hanger. When attaching multiple pieces to each other, push safety pins through the tops of all the items on both sides to keep them secure. Attach the middle item to the hanger. That will distribute the fabrics’ weight evenly over the hanger.
Everything Else
There are other items that are popular with shoppers when sold as groups.
- With infant items, create sets of bibs, receiving blankets, towels, burp cloths, etc.
- Use safety pins or ribbons to connect these items securely.
- A set of receiving blankets folded neatly and tied with a bow is an attractive package.
- Sets of books, puzzles, or small toys sell well. With all of these items, it’s best to have a common theme with what you put together. Group books by reading level or style and puzzles by the difficulty level or number of pieces. You can keep these items securely together with curling ribbon or by sealing them in plastic wrap.
- Dress-up collections, like princess dresses or super hero capes, are very popular items. Attach the accessories in a zip-top bag and attach it to the costume’s hanger.
- Put together a busy box of boy or girl themed small toys in a clear plastic tote or a diaper wipes box. They’re great for car travel. Since it’s a variety box, it’s okay to mix some pieces of different sets in busy boxes.
- Group sets of cars or other small toys in zip-top bags, tape the tops of the bags closed, then attach the tag to the outside of the bag. You’ll keep them secure and easy to see.
Are you ready to put some outfits or sets together now? No matter how you decide to put multiple pieces together, make sure the information is reflected on the tag. Include the total number of items and some descriptive words to help identify everything that’s included. If you mix brands, make a note of it on the tag. These steps will help your sale match things up if they get separated, inform your buyers about the items and make it difficult for someone to swap the tag on your item for a different tag from another garment.
A little creativity and logic can go a long way when it comes to preparing for a consignment sale. When it’s time to prepare your items, keep an eye out for ways to create outfits or sets. That extra step can make you a star consignor at your favorite sale.
About the Author
Elizabeth Renfroe has a passion for all things consignment sale-related. She enjoys coordinating the Children’s Market Sale at First United Methodist Church, Jacksonville, Alabama.