Ah, spring break! For some, that means 10 uninterrupted days with your cute little mess-makers. To help you maximize your army of consignment trainees, we’ve scoured the web for a few ideas for spring break consignment cleaning for you and the kiddos!
Barbie Hair Salon 
Barbie (or any doll) can fetch a pretty penny at consignment sales… but only if she’s looking her fabulous self. You know: hair did, fancy outfit on and all. Here is an good tutorial on how to get those Barbie locks looking red-carpet or at least, consignment sale ready. Now, if your kiddo applied scissors to your Barbie, well… time for the dumpster or some art, like this. Although, I’m a little creeped out by the last part.
Kiddie Car Wash
If the weather in your neck of the woods is like mine, it is totally time for sprinkler magic! Take your Cozy Coupe, tricycles and other outdoor toys out of storage and create a fabulous car wash. Make sure you dry off all “metal” toys to minimize rust. Then, take some baby oil and add a little “sunscreen” to all plastic toys (Cozy Coupe, plastic slides, playhouses, etc). The baby oil will help prevent sun fade and keep your toys in tip-top shape!
Crazy Toy Match-Up
Ok, no, this is not super glamorous… but spring break is a great time to pull out all of your toys and encourage a great matching game. I am personally a great “picker-upper”… and a notorious stuffer (there honey, I admittedly publicly!). So, that sometimes means I’ll throw a whole pile of crazy mis-fitted toys into a box in the playroom and hope for the best. We are using one of our spring break days to literally DUMP everything on the floor and then match it up. I’ve got tons of Ziploc bags – especially the “biggos” you can pick up at the Dollar Tree.
Plastic Toy Spa Day
Even the manliest of boy toys needs a little man-scaping. Take all of your “non-battery-operated” action heros and figures and soak them in WARM (not hot) water. Pop in a denture cleaner or two for a bubbly tub effect, brush with a soft toothbrush and rinse. You can invite Barbie to the party too. That girl loves her some pampering. For more toy detailing, check this out!