Pricing is the #1 reason why you are picking up a lot (or a little!) at the end of the consignment sale. In this video, I share how I put pricing at the CENTER of my tagging process. It’s a REALLY simple strategy that has meant almost 95% clothing sell through for me each season!
Here are some additional links and articles I mention in the article:
- Outfits & Sets: Making “Cents” Out of Mixing & Matching Your Items at Kids Consignment Sales
Consignment Sale Pricing 101
A Simple Clothing Price Guide
Love this! Great sorting idea to make tagging easier! I’m going to pass this on to my consignors! Thank you!
Happy Moms consignment sale in Greensboro.
I have consigned her for the past two years and by far it is the best and easiest sale I have ever consigned at. I am a foster mom / nana and an adopted mom of an adorable almost 7 year old. We have fostered 20 kids so I always have a lot to consign. The couple who run this are great, and each consignor can make up from 60%- 80 % of their sales. It is all done on computer, very easy and fast, and the selection is great, no stained clothes here! Lots of great deals ! Love this sale!