Have you heard a mom or two talkin’ smack about consigning? “I did all that work and hardly sold anything!” or “It was too complicated!” I’ll bet my black lularoe leggings that they made one of the 5 mistakes listed below!
Mistake #1: Pricing Too High
The original price on that Cat & Jack shirt may have been $9.99, but every mama that drives a big red shopping cart knows how to pay less than $7. Which means she’s NOT gonna pay $4 for said shirt at a consignment sale. Try $2 max.
You’ll get away with steeper prices on higher-end brands like Lands End and Janie & Jack. A big mistake is pricing high thinking that, worst case scenario, it will sell during the discount time. You’ll lose money with this strategy and get frustrated. Price it right the first time! Be sure to check out our handy pricing guide!
Mistake #2: Hoping to Cash in on Infant Clothes
Brace yourself for a #truthbomb, newbies. Itty bitty clothes aren’t bestsellers at consignment sales. I know, you’ve got tubs and boxes full of adorable outfits that were only worn once. Some are brand new with tags! Thing is, new moms get TONS of cute outfits as shower gifts and hand-me-downs. The racks of 0-18 months clothes are jam-packed at consignment sales.
Here’s your strategy: Tag only your cutest, “like new” condition baby clothes. Take heart knowing that all the baby gear you’re selling–exersaucers, bouncers, swing, stroller–is gonna fly off the salesfloor and earn you big bucks!
Mistake #3: Not Reading Instructions
There is NOTHING worse than having to repin 50 items during drop-off because you hung them wrong. Or scrambling at the last minute to find 100 wire hangers because plastic isn’t allowed.
It only takes a few minutes to read over your sale’s guidelines. Many sales now have videos showing exactly how to tag everything, from 3 piece outfits to shoes to puzzles.
Mistake #4: Waiting Till the Last Minute
It’s midnight and you’re supposed to drop off your items at 9 am tomorrow. Oh snap, the printer’s low on ink! My tags are printing wonky! How the heck do you transfer inventory?! I’m out of pins!
Friends, don’t let this be you. When you wait until the deadline, a small issue with an easy fix–like adjusting your printer setting–feels SUPER stressful and puts you into “I’m never doing this again” mode.
Mistake #5: Not Shopping Early
Who gets to hit that beautiful, ready-to-burst sales floor F-I-R-S-T? In lots of sales, it’s sellers, staff, team members or paid presale opportunities!
Get involved, join the team or pay to get in because it’s TOTALLY worth it to get your hands on the best deals first! Plus, consignment sales are an awesome place to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE and chat with other adults!
So pull on your big girl leggings and get ta taggin’ mamas!
Kristen Shambarger caught the Consignment Sale fever back in 2012 when she was expecting her twins. She has been consigning, volunteering, and shopping consignment sales ever since, and currently oversees her local moms of multiples sale in Marietta, Georgia. Kristen now loves to use her knack for writing to help moms all over the world fall in love with the awesomeness of consignment sales