• My Nearest City

National Top 10 Sale: Rhea Lana’s Midland Odessa

TX, Midland, Rhea Lana's, Kids, Baby, Consignment“I am proud to offer what I truly believe is THE BEST consignment event in the industry, Rhea Lana’s! I’m proud of our advanced technology of voice item entry, the RL app, live sales, checks on pickup day, and free admission!” -Natalie Nolen

In 2016, Rhea Lana’s Midland Odessa was honored as one of Consignment Mommies’ National Top 10 Best Consignment Sales. They shared with us what makes their sale so special; but if you are able to make it to Midland, TX Sunday 9/17/17 through Tuesday 9/19/17, then you can see for yourself!

How did you get started?

TX, Midland, Rhea Lana's, Kids, Baby, ConsignmentMy husband Chris and I have 7 children; we have adopted two from foster care and deeply understood the benefit of consignment to shop for your children. I never imagined I would be a business owner, being a stay at home mom was what I always planned to do. I have loved owning Rhea Lana’s! Connecting with families all across our community is the most rewarding part of what we do. When event season comes around it feels like a family reunion, seeing our volunteers, consignors and shoppers. We love providing a way for families to make money on their children’s outgrown clothing and toys as well as an affordable option for shopping. Loving and serving families is what we are all about!

What’s your best tip for consignors?

Take the extra time to pick you best, clean and iron them. When our shoppers are looking they are going to pick up the things that are pleasing to the eye first. Going the extra mile can really pay off on pay day!

What is something you are most proud of?

TX, Midland, Rhea Lana's, Kids, Baby, ConsignmentI am most proud of how Midland/Odessa has so quickly embraced Rhea Lana’s! I am thankful for the trust of our community to provide an excellent experience with high quality items. We have experienced rapid growth. Our second sale we had over 30,000 items and our 5th sale over 45,000. We are on track to hit more than 50,000 items in just a few weeks at our Fall event. We are humbled and honored that so many families want to be a part of what we do!

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