10 Consignment Sale Secrets You Should Know
It’s no secret that we are a little consignment sale obsessed around here. And to let you in on the “ways of the Consignment Mommies,” we have put together a list of how you can ROCK OUT with kids’ consignment sales each season. If you are new to sale world, you may not know these… More Info
Congrats to Our 2016 Best Consignment Sale Winners
Congrats to Our 2016 Best Consignment Sale Contests! Atlanta, GA – Tykes, Tots & Teens Consignment Sale Conyers Austin, TX – Just Between Friends Williamson County Boston, MA – There They Grow Again Charlotte, NC – Teri Kidz Consignment Sale Chattanooga, TN – Rhea Lana’s of Chattanooga Dallas / Ft. Worth – Just Between Friends… More Info
Top 3 Tagging Tips for Making Big Money at Kids Consignment Sales
#1 – Tag the Big Stuff First Many mamas get started with clothes, but we suggest going for your baby gear, outdoor equipment and big toys first. These high-demand items are the FIRST to go at a kids consignment event. Plus, most gear & equipment categories can be resold for 30-40% of their retail value,… More Info
The Discount Dilemma: Sale Owners Weigh In
It’s the #1 question that my friends ask me when pricing their items: Should I go higher and discount or do I go a little lower and choose “no discount?” I asked some of the my very fabulous sale owner friends to weigh in and here are their answers: Consider Demand! It depends on… More Info
Top 5 Brands that Hold their Resale Value
Here’s our list of 5 brands that hold their resale value over time: American Girl: This company has captured the attention of little girls everywhere with their dolls, accessories, books and other products. The dolls are expensive yet durable. Because they can be considered collectibles, some dolls will increase in value over time. What doesn’t… More Info
CONTEST: Mother of fALL Consignment Giveaways #1 – (a combined $260 value)
Rodan and Fields foaming Sunless Tanner, Daily Body Moisturizer, Lip Shield, and 2 mini facials that include a sample of Micro-Dermabrasion Paste, Redefine Night Renewing Serum, and Redefine Lip Renewing Serum from Staci Haire (Level V Consultant with Rodan and Fields – the creators of Proactiv What they did for acne, they are now doing… More Info
VIDEO: My super ninja pricing strategy…
Pricing is the #1 reason why you are picking up a lot (or a little!) at the end of the consignment sale. In this video, I share how I put pricing at the CENTER of my tagging process. It’s a REALLY simple strategy that has meant almost 95% clothing sell through for me each season!… More Info
Common Resale Abbreviations
Common resale abbreviations for use at kids consignment sale, on Facebook Buy, Sell, Trade Groups and much more. Ever wondered what NWT, NIP, EUC, TCP, etc mean? We’ve put together a quick and helpful guide to help you navigate those resale acronyms.
Consignment Sale Pricing 101
Finding the sweet spot between pricing your items to sell and selling them to be profitable can be tricky. But here’s the deal: pricing is EVERYTHING in consignment sale world and you’ll want to be on your A-game! Great pricing is often the difference between a 90% sell-through or in picking up a huge stack… More Info
National Top 10 Sale: Kids Everywear in Raleigh, NC
Gail Walker and Beth Pendola started the Kids EveryWear sale in 1998. In 2015, their sale was honored as one of Consignment Mommies’s National Top 10 Best Consignment Sales. Recently, they shared their story for our readers. What made you decide to start your sale? Gail and I started the sale as a way to… More Info
Anatomy of a ROCKSTAR Consignment Sale Tag
Every season, our sale ends up with at least one lost tag that is missing it’s mate. It usually has “outfit” or “pants” as a one-word description. Here are four things every tag should have on it. #1 – Brand name For most toys and baby gear and all clothing and shoes, write the brand… More Info
Toteworthy: Creative Ideas to Haul Your, er, Haul
When you are shopping HUNDREDS of items all in your kiddo’s size, the chances of finding an armful of clothing is pretty high. The chances of getting exhausted toting around all those hangers? DOUBLE HIGH! Consignment sale pros have developed some PRETTY clever ways to totes their treasures around and here are some of… More Info
Rejected Clothes: Five Things We All Miss
How many times have you prepped and tagged your items only to have some of them returned to you? Here are five reasons sales say, “No thanks,” to clothes. Stray threads, pulled seams and loose hems: In the pie chart of fabric problems, this group is the easiest and cheapest to fix. These are… More Info
10 Commandments for Preview Sale Shopping
You’ve volunteered, consigned or won a preview sale shopping pass. It’s finally time to shop at your favorite sale’s preview event. Here are 10 tips to make it the best time ever: #1 – Make a shopping list (Use ours here as a start!) Prioritize essentials for each child, as well as second and third-round… More Info
Saving on Supplies: Who has the Cheapest Cardstock?
As frugal mamas, we all want to minimize our tagging costs and maximize our profits, right??? Last week, I spent the morning comparing cardstock prices around town (Greensboro, NC). Tip #1 Know Your Paper Weights Standard Cardstock65lb weight – slightly thinner, but sturdy enough for tags Premium Cardstock – 110lb weight – thicker and a… More Info
National Top 10 Sale: All 4 Kids – Woodstock, GA
In 1991, Kim Mitchell was a typical Southern mama on a tight budget. She went to a small consignment sale in someone’s basement and while she didn’t find anything in her daughter’s size, she did come home with the idea to host a sale of her own. Fast forward twenty-five years and Kim is the… More Info
How to Consign – A Step-by-Step Guide to Selling at a Kids Consignment Sale
You’ve heard about consignment sales. You know you need to get rid of the clothes, toys and baby stuff your kids have outgrown. You’re ready to dip your toe in the consignment sale pool and have registered to consign. So, what’s next? Let us walk you through the simple steps for how to consign your… More Info
GUEST POST: Ten Things Consignment Sale Owners Wish You Knew…
Guest Post by Sara Dawson, owner of KidSense in Pottstown, PA Not all consignment sale events are the same. Just like regular retail stores, consignment sales come in many forms. There are small, medium and large events. There are discount sales and high-end boutique sales along with everything in between. Make sure not to judge… More Info
Congrats to Our 2015 Best Consignment Sales
Kid’s consignment sale shoppers and consignors from around the United States have weighed in and we are excited to announce our 2015 Best Consignment Sale REGIONAL & NATIONAL Winners! 2016 National Top 10 Consignment Sales All 4 Kids – Woodstock, GA Be Green Kids Consignments – Dutchess Just Between Friends – Western Mainline Just… More Info
Online Consignment Deals to Fill the Void
Ah, the sweet holiday season is upon us! And while I LOOOOVEEE the holidays, it also means a VERY sad “consignment-sale-less” season is upon us here in Greensboro, NC. How I envy those of you with holiday and all-seasons sales in your world!!! If you want to know if there are any late season consignment… More Info
Five Things I’m Glad I Consigned
In the past, I’ve mentioned five things I’m glad I didn’t consign over the years. Here’s a list of things I’m glad I consigned and why. Baby Equipment: This season, I conquered the storage area under our stairs. I was so glad that I didn’t find baby equipment. I had gotten rid of it at… More Info
Battle of the Sexes: Why Girls Always Win at Consignment Sales
Every Consignment Mommy who has a boy (or three) just gave a sympathetic head nod when she saw this title. Consignment sales confirm Renfroe family rule #2: Life’s not fair. There will always be more of an abundance of cute girls’ items at consignment sales and a far smaller selection for boys. Why is that… More Info
Why Doesn’t My Sale Allow ___?
My best consignor tip: READ your consignor instructions. This is especially important if you are consigning for the first time or trying to sell at a new sale. The biggest section to note: ACCEPTED ITEMS. These standards can vary between sales and you certainly don’t want to waste time tagging & prepping an item that… More Info
Our Top Five Tips for Bringing Home More Consignor Cash
Has anyone ever asked you what your goals are as a consignor? Whether it’s to sell more than you spend, declutter or to save up for something big, everyone enjoys bringing home a bigger consignor check. Here are five ways to maximize your consignor check with kids consignment sales: #1 – Look out for resale… More Info
The Cobbler’s Children Have No Shoes (AKA I Am the Worst Consignor Ever)
Do you remember the story about the cobbler’s children having no shoes because he’s busy making everyone else’s? Time got away from him. I am the modern day consignment sale cobbler. My phone’s calendar already has the dates for the next four Children’s Market sales. There is no excuse for me to never be ready… More Info
5 Time Saving Tips for a Bigger Consignor Check
Preparing your children’s items for the kids’ consignment sale doesn’t need to be overwhelming. With a little planning & organization, you can turn your casual consigning into some serious cash for your family! I always suggest that moms start here. Here are a few time-saving tagging tips to make your consignment sale prep easier and… More Info
Five Ways To Be “Fired” As A Volunteer
Every consignment sale has one thing in common. They rely on a team of people to transform an empty space into a sprawling, bustling pop-up event. Whether people are called a volunteers, workers or team members, their jobs are vital. Confession: Sale owners really love most of our volunteers. However, there are some things that… More Info
Ten Trends in Consignment You Should be Excited About
Want to know what’s up and coming in consignment world? Here are a few trends we are noticing in our growing industry! 1. Mama Likes Designer jeans, pricey handbags and gorgeous evening gowns at 30-50% of their retail price? Mama likes… for sure! Adult, teen & tween consignment sales for ladies (and men, too) are… More Info
A Laundry List of Laundry Tips: 10 household items that can help in the laundry room
Here are 10 household items that can help conquer those tough laundry problems. Always follow the manufacturer’s suggestions for fabric care and spot test for colorfastness before treating any fabric. Air-dry any stained fabrics. Dryer heat can permanently set stains. Vinegar Add ½ cup during the rinse cycle to: Soften fabrics without leaving a residue…. More Info
2014 Best Consignment Sale Winners
Kid’s consignment sale shoppers and consignors from around the United State have weighed in and we delighted to announce our 2014 Best Consignment Sale REGIONAL & NATIONAL Winners! WINNER NOTE: You will receive an email on or before Monday, January 12 with award GRAPHICS and PRESS RELEASE templates for your publicity use! 2014 National Best… More Info
From a Sale Owner’s View Series: A Personal Mission Statement
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing some tidbits about consignment sales from the owner/organizer’s point of view. We’ll be explaining a few things that are commonly questioned, debunking a myth or two and sharing with readers why we love what we do. Recently, a sale owner shared her own mission statement for her… More Info
10 Consignment Sale Toy Finds Your Kids will Play with for Years
Guest Post by Angela Wynne of BabyCheapskate.com It doesn’t take a novice consignment shopper long to figure out that you can score some fabulous deals on toys at consignment sales. Stocking the playroom with gently used toys from consignment sales is a no-brainer for any budget-conscious parent, but knowing which toys get you the most… More Info
Shop Like a Pro: Tips from the Racks
Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your consignment shopping experience. 1. Figure out how to shop before the public. Check the shopping schedule on your sale’s website. volunteers often shop first, followed by consignors, then the public. Some sales offer a special shopping time for new parents, teachers, first… More Info
10 Dress Up Items to have in your Costume Stash
Guest Post by Julia Scott, BargainBabe.com Little ones love playing dress up year round – not just on Halloween! (Make these 47 Halloween costumes at home.) When the weather gets super cold in the coming months, playing dress up can be a great activity and burn a good amount of energy. Same goes for when… More Info
Paying it Forward: Kindness in Consignment
I just had to share the sweetest message that came through on my Facebook feed. Check out what one thoughtful, giving and fabulous mom did to help pay it forward: Doesn’t that just make your heart so happy? I love it!! Thanks for helping us all smile Just Between Friends Des Moines!
Four Helpful Things You Might Not Know About Safety Pins
What Pins Are Best? The best safety pins come from dry cleaning supply companies. They’re sold in bulk, 10 gross to a box (1440 pins). If you don’t need that many, split an order with other Consignment Mommies. The company I use personally occasionally has Buy2, Get 1 Free sales on their safety pins. As… More Info
Finding the Right Kids Consignment Sale for You
Have you tried on running shoes lately? There are a wide variety of brands, styles and features available for someone who is shopping for athletic shoes these days. You have to try on several pair before you find one that fits all of your needs. Consignment sales can be the same way. There is such… More Info
Using Craigslist, Meet Ups and Yard Sales to Earn a Higher Consignor Check
With a little creative shopping, a few early Saturday mornings and investing some time online, you can boost your consignor check by a few dollars or a few hundred dollars! Moms across the country are discovering the advantages of using Craigslist, meet ups and yard sales to boost their consignment inventory and bring home a… More Info
How Pinterest Can Make You a Better Consignor
Do you use Pinterest to help you decide what to do with that pack of chicken breasts? To find the perfect non-candy Valentine’s Day class treat? To help plan your dream laundry room? To make you a better consignor? Wait a minute. How can Pinterest make me a better consignor? It’s simple: Organize, clean, upcycle,… More Info
Putting Your Best Cleat Forward (Selling Sports Equipment on Consignment)
Sports equipment can be some of the hottest sellers at a consignment sale, especially if they look great, even with a little wear and tear. Here are some tips to clean up at a sale with cleaned up sports gear. 1. Clean as you go Use antibacterial spray on gear, then hang it up to… More Info